Discover your skills

We are the most advanced job portal for Frontend developers.
It's this skillset list that empowers you to discover the project that fits you best.


This category covers a range of programming languages, highlighting proficiency in effective computer communication.

  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • Typescript
  • NodeJS


Explore software frameworks, vital for efficient development and scalability.

  • NextJS
  • Create React App
  • Svelte
  • NuxtJS
  • VueJS
  • EmberJS
  • Angular
  • Hugo
  • Gatsby
  • MeteorJS
  • Backbone.js


This category focuses on various testing methods and tools, ensuring software quality and reliability.

  • Jest
  • React Testing Library
  • Enzyme
  • Mocha
  • Cypress
  • Playwright


Discover knowledge about hosting services, essential for making web applications accessible worldwide.

  • AWS
  • Google Cloud
  • Vercel
  • Azure


Highlight expertise in database management, crucial for efficient data storage and management.

  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB


This category showcases proficiency in various CMS platforms that simplify content creation and management.

  • Contentful
  • DatoCMS
  • Sanity
  • Shopify
  • WordPress


Demonstrate familiarity with a variety of essential software tools that streamline development and debugging processes.

  • VSCode
  • Jira
  • Docker
  • Figma
  • Zeplin


Display expertise in backend development, vital for web application functionality and performance.

  • GoLang


This category allows you to present knowledge of libraries that provide pre-written code to enhance the efficiency of software development projects.

  • ReactJS